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Dr. Khushboo Gupta: Inspiring the World Through Dentistry, Writing, and Advocacy


Dr. Khushboo Gupta graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Surgery. 

She’s a native of the developing city Lucknow, which is the capital of Uttar Pradesh, India.

Currently she is practicing in a private clinic and also professionally working as a content writer & editor (medical) in one of the startups of her friend’s company. She’s also pursuing online coaching for the PG entrance examination these days. Her dream is to become one of the renowned Prosthodontists of the world in the upcoming future where she can create impeccable smiles through her profession all over the world.

She is also a singer, budding guitarist and an inveterate poet by passion. She loves being creative, and being in the medical field also learnt a very important aspect is: how to lead a disciplined life.

So, because of her discipline and consistency, she’s able to devote quality time equally to her hobbies and dreams and trying to create wonders out of it.

                             She quoted a famous saying: “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today”. Being an ambitious girl, everyday she used to wake up with a glint in her eyes to become an INSPIRATION and ROLE MODEL for others.

At last she requested to keep praying and support her as she is strongly trying to fix the trauma and pain of her old parents each and every moment of life since her ONLY BROTHER (PRINCE GUPTA) WENT MISSING IN SEPTEMBER- 2021.



“Developing strong relationships is the foundation of everything I do, both professionally and personally”, she said.

That’s why her ultimate goal is to create awareness not only for oral and physical health but also for mental well being through various social media platforms. Being an advocate of depression and anxiety, she thinks that it’s her vital role to encourage, inspire/motivate, or to help our generation in every possible way through her profound poetries and medical background. She knows how it feels to be crippled by anxiety and depression and that’s why she never felt ashamed to talk and write about mental health and its awareness both as a DOCTOR and a WRITER.

Her journey as a writer is incredible so far. She has never ever imagined herself neither as an inveterate poet or writer nor as a co-author in present life. Being an introvert, I’m petrified to express my agony and emotions, so I used to ink them silently in a positive way to cheer myself up, that’s how I discovered the writer inside me, she added.

Since then, she has been healing and motivating others through her words of wisdom because as a doctor she observed, “The medicine only cures, does not impart healing.” Her wish is to become a solo author of the book, based on troubles and tribulations of her life & she’ll be so grateful that day when her words and story encourage or motivate anyone in this entire Universe.

Fingers crossed!! She exclaimed.

She believes in reality over pretending, and hates small talk and entitled personalities. “Be kind” and “be humble” is the motto of her life. She firmly believes that with kindness and compassion, we can create an impeccable world which we expect from others. Just need to raise her voice and ask for help in the right direction.

She’s so grateful that by GOD’S grace & blessings of her loved ones, she has achieved so much in her life at a very young age. Her ultimate dream is to make her Nation & Parents proud at NATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL level through her passion & profession.

At last but not the least, she requested, “please be there for others” in their silent war to hold their broken pieces and infuse strength into them. She had keenly observed that when her elder brother went MISSING in 2021, her closed one left her at her worst.

She ended up by saying a well said maxim of Charles Dickens:No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” That’s why she’s here with a purpose, to love, to inspire, to motivate and to uplift others because it reflects her personality, her character, her strength, her worth and her existence.


Dr. Khushboo Gupta stated “One cannot grow without pain. One cannot improve without it. Suffering drives us to achieve great things” on her accomplishments in life.

According to her, failure is the foundation of her success and courage to face them is the key. So on asking her about the achievements, she replied, I SURVIVED LIFE when I wanted to end myself, and that’s my biggest achievement so far in the year 2021.

Mostly people give credits to materialistic things to see their worth, but when it comes to her she never forgets to embrace her true self and inner strength and keep that accountable for her achievements and success in her life.

We are so proud of her!! 

After the 2021 breakdown, she took her time and bounced back with another big achievement as the winner ofBe the one Award” in July 2023 for oral, physical & mental health awareness.

Finally after 2 years she acknowledges her worth and dedicates herself completely to fulfill her passion, ambitions and dreams and never dig into the past again.

Back to back she won:

  1.   “TOP 5 ICONIC PERSONALITIES AWARD- 2023 (for encouraging & inspiring others through my passion & profession)
  2.   Top 20 Paramount women’s award (for encouraging women empowerment)
  3.   She also participated in many National writing competitions and stood top 3 in most of them.
  4.   Her contributions in many anthologies are also appreciated. Her upcoming project is “BEYOND THE WORDS” by BLUE STAR PUBLICATION.

After gaining her confidence back, she cheerfully participated in INTERNATIONAL POETRY COMPETITION where her poetry “YOU ARE ENOUGH” ranked under TOP 100 out of 400 poetries worldwide.

This year 2023 on 10th October, an event organized in LONDON, UK on WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY and her poetry entitled “MENTAL HEALTH (A Never-Ending Battle)” selected under T0P-20 among all the writers participated worldwide.

She’s also believed in encouraging women empowerment & keenly working on this through her upcoming projects.

To empower women and young girls like her, she concluded by saying:

“The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could.”


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